16-19 Bursary Fund
16-19 Bursary Fund – For OASB Sixth Form
Students can apply for the 16-19 Bursary Fund here :
All OASB Sixth Form Students have received a login for the bursary system on Applicaa and can apply for Bursaries through this system. You can login to the bursary system using the following link:
To claim bursary funding, the whole form must be completed for each claim and claims will then be assessed based on the criteria below. We recommend keeping a photograph of necessary financial documents so that you can reuse them, should you need to make several separate claims. You must keep receipts for any items you would like to claim for.
Bursaries will be granted based on the following criteria:
Discretionary Bursary:
Discretionary Bursary: for students from lower income households where support is necessary to overcome financial barriers and enable participation. This would typically include students with:
- With a Household income of below £30,000 (threshold may change if large households, with many dependents).
- Students qualify for FSM.
- Students have qualified for FSM within their last 6 years in education.
- Shocks to household income have caused particular hardship at any time.
The discretionary bursary will allow students to claim for anything necessary to them accessing their education at OASB Sixth Form. The sorts of things students can claim for are (not an exhaustive list):
a. help with transport
b. uniform and business dress items
c. books and equipment
d. field trips and other A-level course-related costs,
e. costs of attending industry placements, work experience, university interviews and open days
Vulnerable Student Bursary:
A Defined Vulnerable Group Bursary is available for students in financial need who are:
- in care
- care leavers
- students receiving Income Support (or Universal Credit) in their own name
- disabled students in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence payments.
The School reserves the right to withhold the bursary if students fail to meet expectations for attendance.
If attendance does not meet the 95% threshold expected in the Sixth Form, as this is conducive to success, then bursaries may not be granted.
The School reserves the right to withhold the bursary if students fail to meet expectations for attendance and behaviour. One-off purchases are more likely to get approved than repeat subscriptions. You may be required to provide evidence of parental income. The School is looking to establish that you are in financial need and, in relation to the discretionary bursary, that you are in need of specific items or services relating to your education.