
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Oasis Academy South Bank is an all-inclusive academy which will accept all students regardless of starting point, complexity or need. Yet OASB will be unfaltering in its rigorous and high academic expectations for all its students. We will ensure that all students reach our targets and make outstanding academic progress, regardless of SEND. It will be challenging and we will have to be innovative yet through our culture of limitless potential, rigour in data tracking and intervention, our extended day, our targeted 1- 2-1 provision, outstanding teaching and learning day in day out, all children, regardless of SEND, will achieve high academic success.

Our definition of special educational needs is:-

  • A learning difficulty where a child has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than most children of the same age.
  • A disability, which needs different educational facilities from those that schools generally provide for children of the same age in our area.
  • SEND provision is when the provision is additional to or different from that made for the child’s peers.
  • A child who is vulnerable to underachieve either due to social, emotional or physical need. We also include in this category pupils who are Looked After, have a Child Protection Plan, have a Children in Need plan, have recently suffered trauma or bereavement or whom we believe are in danger of being bullied or becoming involved in crime.

The four broad categories of SEN are:

  1. Communication and Interaction
  2. Cognition and Learning
  3. Social, mental or emotional health
  4. Sensory and/ or physical
Our Commitment to Equality

Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences.

The Academy’s aim is to ensure that all its students achieve their full potential, regardless of differentiating needs. If a student has special educational needs or disability needs (SEND), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them. Further information on the policy and provision for SEND can be obtained from the Academy. Students with SEND who do not have statements of special educational needs or an Educational Health Care Plan will be admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with the Academy’s admissions policy.

Where a student has a statement or Education Healthcare Plan, and the Local Authority is proposing to name the Academy in the statement, the Academy will agree to the student’s admission. The only reason for not doing so is if the inclusion of that student would be incompatible with the education of other children and there are no reasonable steps the Academy could take to resolve this. If there is a disagreement between the Academy and the Local Authority on the placement of a student, there is a voluntary dispute resolution service backed up by the Secretary of State’s power to intervene. In the last, resort parents can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SENDIST) Tribunal.

Who is the best person at the Academy to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need?

For any questions or complaints regarding the SEN provision at South Bank, please get in contact with our Deputy Principal Conor Boyle or Deputy SENCO Alice Herford