
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


Enrichment at Oasis Academy South Bank

OASB’s Enrichment curriculum is designed to support students meet their two goals of being a model citizen and working towards their dream job. Students will leave OASB prepared to make the best possible start in their adult life. All students receive two hours of Enrichment a week.

The aim of Enrichment is to unlock the potential in all children, regardless of their starting point. To do this, the curriculum focusses on three key areas.

Careers – I know how to find, apply for, and get the job of my dreams. The three aims for carers are:

1. The knowledge of key careers pathways.
2. The ability to access these pathways.
3.To build a mindset that any career is open to them, regardless of background.

The careers focussed curriculum has been designed to introduce a broad range of careers to students which includes the opportunity to work with several local and international companies such as PWC, Meta, Build Studios and Park Plaza. Using the school’s careers banks, professionals are invited in to share their personal development and to give an insight into their career.

For further information on our careers curriculum, please click here

Citizenship – I know how to vote, what my vote means, and why I should vote. The three aims for citizenship are:

1. Be informed so they can vote in UK elections.
2. Understand key issues affecting the world so they can comprehend a newspaper and critically evaluate media.
3. Feel empowered to contribute to their communities.

The citizenship element is designed to support and complement the PSCHE curriculum, allowing students the chance to put into action values they learn during those sessions.

During their time at OASB, students will take part in sessions volunteering with primary school students to improve literacy and maths, to develop and implement projects to improve the local community, analysing the impact of their vote in local and general elections. Students undertake walking tours of the local London area, including the houses of parliament, to see how their work can have an impact in the local community.

Creative Arts – an opportunity for students to improve and acquire new skills in music, engineering and drama. The curriculum is designed to allow them to make connections to subjects they are studying (e.g. seeing artists that they have studied displayed at local art museums) as well as to give all students a chance to take part in activities that otherwise would not be accessible to them (dance classes, knitting courses, drama).

All students at Oasis Academy South Bank have a Unifrog account, which allows them to record interactions and activities that they have completed. Their accomplishments are then used by students to prepare applications for their post 16/18 education or careers.