
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


Coffee Morning

As a school, we’re keen to develop and strengthen our relationships within the Waterloo community. By seeking the advice and insight of our parents and stakeholders, we aim to deliver an educational experience for our young people which is both supportive and academically rigorous.

One key platform for this collaborative work is our Weekly Coffee Mornings. These optional drop-in sessions take place in the school library each Thursday, from 9.30 am - 11.00 am. In addition, we also operate a once-monthly evening slot, to accommodate parents and carers who have prior morning commitments.

Each session is chaired by our Vulnerable Student Lead, Pumi Dlova with regular attendance from OCL Community staff, as well as members of the academy’s Extended Leadership Team. These flexible, responsive sessions are designed to increase access and transparency for parents who’re keen to share their thoughts on academy life. By building in time for open discussion and the sharing of experiences, we believe that our Coffee Mornings give us the chance to reflect and respond to the issues that affect each of our young people. Likewise, they provide a crucial channel for parents and carers to liaise with teaching staff and gain valuable insight into their child’s academic progress.

We believe that by empowering parents to share their points of view, we can create an academy culture in which all of our young people can thrive. Whether our responses take the form of tailored academic intervention, pastoral support or referral to the wide range of services offered by our Community Team, we hope to cultivate a dialogue which builds shared intention and embraces a range of contrasting viewpoints.

If you’re interested in attending a Coffee Morning event, there’s no requirement to sign-up in advance; simply pop into reception during the stated hours and we’ll be more than happy to catch up. We look forward to seeing you soon!