
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Term Dates

Academic Year 2024-2025

Autumn Term 1 
Monday 2nd September  Inset Day- School closed to all students 
Tuesday 3rd September 

1:1 meetings for Year 7 students only 

School closed for all other students 

Wednesday 4th September

Year 7 Induction Day 

1:1 Meetings for Year 11/ 12/ 13 students and SEND students 

School closed for all other students

Thursday 5th September 

First full school day for all students 

Staggered start for welcome assemblies

Thursday 26th September Open Evening (2pm finish for all students) 
Friday 18th October Inset Day- School closed to students
Tuesday 22nd October Year 7 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Friday 25th October  Autumn 1 Half Term ends 
Monday 28th October- Friday 1st November Autumn 1 Half Term Holiday 
Autumn Term 2
Monday 4th November 

Autumn 2 Half Term begins 

Year 11 and Year 13 exam preparation day 

School closed to other year groups

Tuesday 19th November Year 10 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Friday 29th November  Inset Day- School closed for all students 
Tuesday 3rd December

Year 11 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm

Sixth Form Open Evening (2pm finish for Sixth Form students)

Friday 20th December  Autumn 2 Half Term ends (1pm finish for all students)
Monday 23rd December 2024- Friday 3rd January 2025 Christmas Holiday 
Spring Term 1
Monday 6th January  Inset Day- School closed to all students 
Tuesday 7th January  Students first day back 
Tuesday 21st January Year 13 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Tuesday 4th February Year 8 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Friday 14th February  Spring Term 1 ends
Monday 17th February- Friday 21st February  Half Term 
Spring  Term 2
Monday 24th February  Spring 2 Half Term begins 
Tuesday 4th March Year 9 Progress and Options Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Tuesday 25th March Year 12 Progress Evening 3.15pm-6pm
Tuesday 1st April  Year 11 and Year 13 Final Push Event 3pm-5pm
Friday 4th April  Spring Term 2 ends (1pm finish for all students) 
Monday 7th April- Monday 21st April   Easter Holiday 
Summer Term 1
Tuesday 22nd April 

Summer Term 1 begins 

Year 11 and Year 13 exam preparation day 

School closed to other year groups

Monday 5th May May Bank Holiday school closed for all students
Friday 23rd May  Summer Term 1 ends
Monday 26th May-Friday 30th May  Half Term
Summer Term 2
Monday 2nd June  Summer Term 2 begins
Friday 20th June  Inset Day-School closed for all students
Friday 18th July  Summer Term 2 ends (1pm finish for all students)